
This is a blog about vultures in Djibouti. Please feel free to comment. You can click on the images and they will open up larger in a new window and be easier to see. Also, you can translate the text by using the translate gadget on the right side of this blog.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Team

The 2013 Djibouti Egyptian Vulture Team
Our team included: Ahmed Hamadou (seated), (standing left to right) Houssein Rayaleh, Mike McGrady, Eleyeh Abdillahi and Ali Darrar.  Ahmed is a local Afar and served as our guide.  Hossein is the director of Djibouti Nature, a wildlife conservation NGO.  Mike is an avian ecologist with International Avian Research. Eleyeh is a volunteer and has received training on monitoring Egyptian vultures at a workshop in Ethiopia, supported by European funding and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Ali is a vice principal at a school in Atta, a town about 40 km west of Djibouti city.

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