
This is a blog about vultures in Djibouti. Please feel free to comment. You can click on the images and they will open up larger in a new window and be easier to see. Also, you can translate the text by using the translate gadget on the right side of this blog.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Territory holders vs floaters

by H. Rayaleh and M. McGrady

In our previous post we showed maps of four territorial birds, and an apparently non-territorial bird.  The map below illustrates again how the behaviour of territorial birds differs from that of an apparently non-territorial "floating" bird.  At this time of year, territorial breeding vultures will be defending their territories against intruders, conducting courtship and producing eggs and young.  Of course, they still have to feed.  Floating birds don't have the burden (or benefit) of holding a territory, so they wander.  Those wanderings may include dwelling in some places for some limited amount of time, but they really are not tied to any locations.

Movements of three adult Egyptian Vultures during February and March 2020.  Blue and Green are territorial birds that occassionally travel to Tadjoura, presumably to feed.  Yellow is a wandering bird, with no fixed abode.

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