Below is a map of the movements of Doda (217) since it was fitted with a tag earlier this year. You can see that it has made regular trips to Tadjoura, but that its home range was about 25 km NE of there.
Movements of Doda during 2020.
If we zoom into the northern part of that home range, we can see that there appear to be two (east and west) clusters of locations. These clusters are seperated by about 4-5 km.
Clusters of activity for Doda.
If we zoom in further into parts of the western cluster we can see where they are spending a good proportion of their time - around human settlements. Egyptian vultures are often commensal with humans, benefitting from the waste from humans and their domestic stock. Humans benefit from the removal of waste that could promote disease.
Doda's locations near human settlements.
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